Author Archive | Admin

LEOFF Merger Again

Another Merger Proposal!!! (date corrected) Well, here we go again.  On February 21st Dick Warbrouck of the RFFOW was in Olympia for a hearing on bills dealing with pension board membership.  He was advised that he should meet with Senator Kevin Van De Wege.  The meeting was also attended by Steve Nelson, the Executive Director […]

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It is not official but it appears the April 1 CPI will be 3.36%. We will let you know when the official figure is available, but we are pretty sure this is accurate.

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Response to Ways & Means Testimony

Ken Crowder has responded to the testimony of Cliff Webb as follows: Re: SB 5920 Dear Chair Rolfes and Ranking Member Braun: I am writing on behalf of the 1400 LEOFF 1 members of our organization urging you to pass SB5920 as written. I have read the request written on behalf of Spokane International Airport. […]

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Ways & Means Hearing

On February 18th the Senate Ways and Means Committee held a hearing on two bills: ·  SB 5894 – Clarifying that the firefighters’ pension levy may continue to be levied to fund benefits under the law enforcement officers’ and firefighters’ retirement system. ·  SB 5920 – Concerning firefighters and law enforcement officers pension and disability […]

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LEOFF 2 Board Meeting

Meeting Location: Washington State Investment Board2100 Evergreen Park Drive SW, Suite 100Olympia, WA 98502 LEOFF PLAN 2 RETIREMENT BOARD MEETING AGENDA February 27, 2019 – 9:30AM 1.      Legislative Update LEOFF 2 Endorsed Bills Other Bills of Interest Budget Bills 2.      Administrative Update Outreach Activities

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SB 5894 Introduced.

AN ACT Relating to clarifying that the firefighters’ pension levy may continue to be levied to fund benefits under the law enforcement officers’ and firefighters’ retirement system; and amending RCW 41.16.060. See the bill information.See the bill. This bill will have a hearing on Monday February 18, 2019 at 3:30 pm in the Senate Ways […]

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A change to Disability Boards?

The legislature has been in session for about a month and we now have a bill dealing with LEOFF 1 issues.  It is HB 2051 and the companion Senate version SB 5920.  The bill has bi-partisan support and is drafted to address some concerns that were expressed in the Select Committee meeting. You can view […]

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Letter from Del McNeal

Editor’s Note:  This letter was sent to the RFFOW discussing the board staffing issue. I see that you are getting ready to discuss the issue of disability boards for LEOFF 1. I am retired from the City of Bremerton as the chief. I am also currently a board member of our disability board. As such […]

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A Letter from Dan Downs

Editor’s Note:  This letter was sent to the RFFOW dealing with concerns about Disability Board staffing. I appreciate and want to thank you and The Retired Fire Fighters of Washington for your efforts in resolving the problem of staffing pension and disability boards. About three years ago, a group including you and attorney, Joe Fischnaller, […]

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A Letter from Ken Crowder

Editor’s Note: This letter was written in response to comments published in a recent LEOFF I Coalition newsletter. Greetings to all LEOFF 1 members. Recently I obtained a copy of the LEOFF 1 Coalition newsletter that I am told was mailed to some LEOFF 1 members. At first glance it appeared that their primary purpose […]

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