The second stakeholder meeting for the LEOFF 1/LEOFF 2 merger proposal was held on March 22, 2019. As with the first meeting it was well attended but as with the first meeting nothing was accomplished. It is just about impossible to have a meeting with 20 or 30 people and accomplish anything when dealing with […]
Author Archive | Admin
Some Unanswered Questions
Here are three sets of answers in response to Senator Van De Wege’s request prior to the March 22nd stakeholder meeting. None of the answers were seriously discussed and no answers were provided–at least no satisfactory answers. Greeting Senator Van De Wege, Thank you for your inquiry. Unfortunately, I will be unable to attend the […]
State Revenue Projections
OLYMPIA — As lawmakers prepare to unveil their supplemental budget proposals next week they received good news Thursday about state revenue projections that look to increase by about $1.3 billion more than expected through 2021. The numbers released by the Office of Financial Management at a meeting of the Economic and Revenue Forecast Council showed […]
Merger Review
(Download a PDF version of this article.) At the first stakeholder meeting on March 14, 2019 we were presented with the latest version of the proposed LEOFF 1/LEOFF 2 merger. The document is titled “LEOFF MERGER DRAFT” is essentially the same as the version first circulated on February 23, 2019. Various versions of this proposal […]
DRS to Release Info
Notice to retirees – public records request Posted 15-Mar-2019 (Editor’s Note: I would not be particularly concerned about this. These types of requests are common and some newspapers gather and publish this type of information on a regular basis.) The Department of Retirement Systems has received a public records request for information about individuals who […]
2019 COLA | 3.36%
COLAs for LEOFF Plan 1 EFFECTIVE APRIL 1, 2019 – Retirement Dates Adjustment April 2, 2018 – March 31, 2019 0.00% January 1, 2018 – April 1, 2018 3.36% April 2, 2017 – December 31, 2017 6.80% Prior to April 2, 2017 3.36%
Merger – Stakeholder
On Thursday, March 14, 2019, there was a meeting hosted by Senator Van De Wege in Olympia. The stated purpose of the meeting was as a stakeholders’ meeting where consistent and factual information about the proposed merger of LEOFF 1 and LEOFF 2 would be shared. The meeting was attended by 19 people who signed […]
RFFOW President’s Report | March 2019
I was in Olympia on February 21, 2019 for a Hearing on two bills, SB 5920 to expand the eligibility to serve on Prior Act Pension boards and LEOFF I Disability Boards and SB 5894 dealing with funding for Prior Act Pension boards. I was advised that I should schedule a meeting with Senator Kevin […]
HB 2051 Passes the House
HB 2051 expanding the eligibility of serving on Pension/Disability boards passed the House 96 to 0 on Saturday March 10, 2019. This bill allows any active or retired firefighter or law enforcement officer who resides within the jurisdiction served by the board to be elected to a Prior Act and Law Enforcement Officers’ and Fire […]
LEOSA Qualifications
HR218 Firearms Qualification / Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act 10:00 AM Saturday, May 04, 2019 Chehalis Police Department Range Chehalis, Washington The LEASW invites you to join us for an 8:00 am no-host breakfast on Saturday, May 04, 2019 at the Denny’s Restaurant off Exit 76/Hwy I-5 in Chehalis, WA (east side of I-5). […]