Author Archive | Admin

LEOFF 2 Board Meeting | Feb. 26th

Meeting Location: Washington State Investment Board2100 Evergreen Park Drive SW, Suite 100Olympia, WA 98502 LEOFF PLAN 2 RETIREMENT BOARD MEETING AGENDA February 26, 2020 – 9:30AM 1.      Legislative Update Survivor Option Reelection Month of Death Payment Definition of Period of War Confidentiality of DRS Records 2.      Administrative Update Agency Move Outreach Activities

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Taking care of LEOFF 1.

Since LEOFF 1 was first passed back in 1970 there have been many changes.  Most were small changes, but many were significant.  Most of the changes were introduced by LEOFF 1 organizations.  These organizations were seeking to correct deficiencies in the law and improve the benefits of the members.  These changes could only occur because […]

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LEOFF 1 Bill Passes in House

HB 2051 passed in the House on January 22nd. (96 yeas to 0 nays.) It is now in the Senate Rules Committee (SB 5920 ) and is expected to pass soon. This bill expands eligibility of who can serve on firefighter and law enforcement officer pension and disability boards to include active or retired firefighters […]

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November 19 | SCPP Report

Not much happened at the SCPP meeting today. Nothing to do with LEOFF 1 and little to do with LEOFF 2 except for a proposal to increase death and disability benefits for SPRS to LEOFF 2 levels. No action–just information.

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SCPP November 19th

Select Committee on Pension Policy – 11/19/2019 10:00 AM Full Committee House Hearing Rm A John L. O’Brien Building Olympia, WA Agenda: 1.   Approval of October Minutes. Work Session: 2.   Death and Disability Benefits Comparison (PSERS/LEOFF2). 3.   Inactive Accounts. Public Hearing with Possible Committee Action: 4.   Investment Options for Target Date Funds (Plans 3 and […]

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Interim Report

You will note we have just posted the agendas for the Select Committee and the LEOFF 2 Board. At this point there is not much of interest, nor is there anything that seems to threaten our pension stability. Of course it is early with the next session of the Legislature not due to start until […]

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SCPP & LEOFF 2 Board Meetings

Select Committee on Pension PolicyRegular Committee Meeting October 15, 201910:00 a.m. – 12:40 p.m. House Hearing Room A AGENDA. Approval ofSeptemberMinutes10:05 a.m. Preliminary 2020 Meeting Dates–Kaitlyn Donahoe, Policy Analyst. 2018 Actuarial Valuation Results–Luke Masselink, Senior Actuary, and Frank Serra, Actuarial Analyst DRS Update–Tracy Guerin, Director, Department of Retirement SystemsWork Session Roth Option for Deferred Compensation–Aaron […]

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LEOFF 2 | Sept. Board

The LEOFF Plan 2 Retirement Board is holding a regular board meeting on Wednesday, September 25, 2019 starting at 9:30AM. Materials will be available on our website on Monday, September 23rd: LEOFF PLAN 2 RETIREMENT BOARD MEETING AGENDA September 25, 2019 – 9:30AM Approval of July 2019 Minutes State Actuary’s Recommendation on Long-Term Economic […]

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LEOSA Shoot | Centeralia

November 16th HR-218 Firearms Qualification for Retired Law Enforcement 0930 Centralia Indoor Range, 908 Johnson Rd., Centralia, WA (Off Exit #82 Harrison Ave. 0830 No host Breakfast at Centralia Denny’s, 1052 Harrison Ave. (Off Exit #82) Sponsored since 2006 by Bradd Reynolds, Retired Centaila P.D. Ph: 360.520.6562 For registration forms and additional information email: […]

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LEOSA | Port Townsend

Qualification Event FOP North Olympic Lodge #31 will be hosting a LEOSA Qualification for qualified retired officers with credentials. Please bring you retired credentials, eye and ear protection along with your firearm (Semi-Auto and or Revolver) and 25 rounds of ammunition per type (Semi-Auto, Revolver or 50 rounds total if both.) Body armor is preferred, […]

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