Next LEOSA shoot will be in Sept. 24, 2017, 1300 hrs. to 1600 hrs Location: Bainbridge Island Sportsmen’s Club 8203 Sportsman Club Rd NE, Bainbridge Island, WA 98110 Click here for details. Open for all qualified LE retirees, you need not be a member of FOP to participate. The cost is $50.00 per non member,
Author Archive | Admin
View from the Interim
We are now in the interim—that period between two sessions of the legislature—a good time to do an assessment of the impending threats and the status of our defenses. If history is to serve as a teacher we can surely anticipate that some legislator or some group working with a legislator will once again mount […]
Select Committee Meeting | September 19, 2017 | 10:00 AM
The Select Committee on Pension Policy begins it pre-legislative meetings. If you have the opportunity to attend it is always a good idea to do so. The meeting is followed by an Executive Session and those are often even more informative than the regular meetings. House Hearing Rm B John L. O’Brien Building Olympia, Washington […]
RFFOW President’s Message | August 2017
by Richard Warbrouck As the final special Legislative Session was coming to a close a joint legislative committee was appointed to discuss and negotiate a state budget that both the House and Senate could agree to. Unfortunately these budget committee meetings were behind closed doors and apparently exempt from the open meeting law and public […]
Evidently the LEOFF I Coalition has just sent out another fund raising notice. I received several emails with questions about the Coalition yesterday. I urge everyone NOT to donate to the Coalition. Here’s why… The Coalition does not represent anyone except their Board of Directors. Regardless of their claims, the Coalition has no members. In […]
SCPP Meeting 7/18/2017
Full Committee | 7/18/2017 10:00 a.m. House Hearing Rm B John L. O’Brien Building Olympia, WA Agenda: 1. Approval of May and June Minutes. 2. Retroactive Membership Changes. 3. Military Service Credit: Other States. 4. Overview of Plans 1 COLA. Meeting start time is subject to change depending on the needs of the Committee. For […]
Merger Proposed in Budget Negotiations
Merger Again! Sort of like the Loch Ness monster the possibility of a LEOFF 1/LEOFF 2 merger popped its head above water on Thursday the 22nd – a week ago. The story was that the merger was due to be passed as a part of the state budget negotiations in the legislature. Further it would […]
LEOFF 2 Board Releases Budget Review
This report has been released by the LEOFF 2 Board as of July 30, 2017: We have reviewed the proposed budget for impacts on LEOFF Plan 2. Below is a summary of our review. The 2017 Legislature released their 2017-2019 Omnibus Operating Budget (PSSB 5883). The following is a summary of issues INCLUDED in the […]
LEOFF 2 Board Meeting June 28th
June 28, 2017 — 9:30 AM – 3:00 PM Board Meetings held during the Legislative Session are conducted via video conference. They are intended to provide Board members with updates on legislative and administrative activities. Legislative Update Interruptive Military Service Credit Study Public Hospital District EMTs Budget Impacts Administrative Update DRS Rulemaking Outreach Activities Full […]
Washington Legislature heads to third special session over budget | The Olympian
Facing the threat of a partial government shutdown, Washington Gov. Jay Inslee called a third special session of the Legislature on Wednesday to try to get lawmakers to reach a budget deal. If lawmakers don’t agree on a budget and get Inslee to sign it by June 30, most state government agencies will either fully […]