While not a LEOFF 1 issue, the proposed Initiative 940 represents a real threat to effective law enforcement and more particularly to the careers of law enforcement officers, so we are publishing this press release for your information. December 15, 2017: Last week, Initiative 940, which changes protections for officers in a use-of-force incident, was […]
Author Archive | Admin
WACOPS I-940 Press Release
December 7, 2017 WACOPS is fighting to strengthen the rights and quality of life for those who have dedicated their careers to protecting and serving our communities. We do not believe today, or at any time during this debate, that changing the current use of force law (RCW 9A.16.040) will reduce violent interactions between law […]
SCPP Meeting | December 12, 2017
Select Committee on Pension Policy Regular Committee Meeting December 12, 2017 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. House Hearing Room B Olympia AGENDA 10:00 a.m. 1. Approval of November Minutes 10:05 a.m. 2. DRS Briefing: Retroactive Impacts – Shawn Merchant, Legislative and Stakeholder Relations Director, Department of Retirement Systems Executive Session 10:25 a.m. 3. Plans 1 […]
New WACOPS Executive Director
After a nationwide search, the WACOPS Board of Directors has hired its newest Executive Director: Teresa Taylor. Most recently, Taylor has served for nearly seven years as Executive Vice President of Kitsap Building Association (KBA) in Bremerton, Wash. She had been with KBA since February 2006 where she also served as Government Affairs Director prior […]
RFFOW President’s Message | November 2017
We are having a problem with filling our firefighter and law enforcement officer positions on LEOFF I Disability Boards and Prior Act Pension Boards. Some of the existing members under the jurisdiction of these boards live out of the area, in other cities, towns and states, or due to age or health, are not able […]
SCPP Meeting 11/14/2017
11/14/2017 | 10:00 a.m. Full Committee House Hearing Rm B John L. O’Brien Building Olympia, WA Agenda: 1. Approval of October Minutes. 2. WSIB Update. 3. DRS Update. 4. LEOFF 2 Board Update: Military Service Credit Study. 5. Public Hearing with Possible Executive Session. a. Plans 1 COLA Proposal. 6. Work Session. a. Tribal Schools […]
Meeting Report – SCPP & LEOFF 2 Board – September
We attended two meetings in Olympia in September. On the 19th was the Select Committee on Pension Policy (SCPP) and then on the 27th was the LEOFF 2 Board meeting. Neither of these meetings presented any dramatic information so we chose not to make an immediate report. Both of these meetings dealt with similar information […]
SCPP Agenda for October 17, 2017
Full Committee 10/17/2017 10:00 a.m. House Hearing Rm B John L. O’Brien Building Olympia, WA Agenda: Approval of September Minutes. Preliminary 2018 Meeting Dates. OSA Update. Public Hearing with Possible Executive Session. Recommendation to PFC on Long-Term Economic Assumptions. Update: Subgroup on Tribal Schools. Plans 1 COLA Proposal Pricing Results. Media Alert: Seattle Police Off-Duty […]
LEOFF 2 Board September 27, 2017 Agenda
LEOFF Plan 2 Retirement Board meeting is Wednesday, September 27th, 2017 at 9:30AM. Public attendance is welcomed. Meeting materials will be available on the LEOFF II website to view on Monday, September 25th. Please note that the location of this meeting will be: Hotel Red Lion Olympia Cedar Hemlock Room 2300 Evergreen Park Drive Olympia, WA 98502 LEOFF PLAN 2 […]
RFFOW President’s Message | September 2017
As far as I am concerned the Coalition’s refusal to share in the cost of retaining a contract lobbyist to assist us during the special session and in the formation of the state budget was the last straw. As the final special legislative session was coming to a close no retirement system merger bills had […]