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SCPP September 17th Agenda
Select Committee on Pension Policy | Regular Committee Meeting September 17, 2019 10:00 a.m. – 1:10 p.m. House Hearing Room A AGENDA 10:00 a.m. 1. Approval of July Minutes 10:05 a.m. 2. Report on Financial Condition–Luke Masselink, Senior Actuary 10:35 a.m. 3. State Actuary’s Recommendation on Long-Term Economic Assumptions – Matt Smith, State Actuary 11:05 […]
RFFOW President’s Message | June 2019
I am delighted to report that Vice President Jim Fossos is progressing down the road to recovery at a fast pace. Jim is now at home sitting in his recliner. He has the assistance of a caregiver and a busy schedule with doctor’s appointments and rehabilitation. Jim has showed what can be accomplished as a […]
SCPP | June Meeting
Pension Policy, Select Committee – 6/18/2019 10:00 AM House Hearing Room B Agenda: 1. Approval of May Minutes. 2. OSA Update. Educational Briefings: 3. Peer State Pension Systems. 4. PSERS Plan History and Membership. Work Sessions: 5. LEOFF 1 and Prior Act Pension and Disability Boards. 6. Plans 1 UAAL Funding Policy and Payments. Meeting start […]
SCPP to meet May 21st.
Pension Policy, Select Committee – 5/21/2019 10:00 AM Full Committee Agenda: 1. Approval of November and December Minutes. 2. Election of Officers. 3. Introduction to the 2019 Interim. 4. Open Public Meetings Act (OPMA) Refresher. 5. 2019 Legislative Session Highlights. 6. LEOFF 2 Board Update. 7. Interim Planning: Member and Public Input. Meeting start time […]
LEOFF 2 Board Meeting April 24
The LEOFF Plan 2 Retirement Board is holding a board meeting on Wednesday, April 24, 2019 starting at 9:30AM. During the legislative session board meetings consist of only legislative and administrative updates. Materials will be available on their website on Monday the 22nd: Meeting Location: Washington State Investment Board2100 Evergreen Park Drive SW, Suite […]
FOP Reports L1/L2 merger off.
Police and fire retirement system merger discussions cease Legislature still considering fund transfer to undefined benefit enhancement fund in advance of actuarial studies review By Tacoma Weekly Staff March 29, 2019 Washington State Fraternal Order of Police (WAFOP) received a statement indicating that discussions regarding a merger of Law Enforcement Officers’ and Fire Fighters’ Plan […]
Editor’s Note: WACOPS is essentially a lobbying organization that represents most of the Police Officers and Deputy Sheriffs in the state. COMPAS and FOP are similar and represents officers from Seattle, King County and some small jurisdictions. I post this information so that you will have a clear understanding of the concerns of our LEOFF […]
Merger Cancelled
We received the following email from Senator Van De Wege today: This is to let you know that the proposed LEOFF 1 and 2 merger will not be moving forward for the 2019 session. There will be no more stakeholder meetings. The meeting this Friday, March 29th, is cancelled. I would like to thank everyone […]
L2 Board to meet Wednesday, March 27th
Please see the information about the meeting at This meeting will deal with the proposed $300 million transfer to the Benefit Enhancement Account and the proposed LEOFF 1/LEOFF 2 merger.