Author Archive | Admin

Social Security Windfall Elimination Provision

This article was originally published on 10/17/2008.  It has some good general information so we are re-posting it.  It is interesting to note that not much has happened on this issue since 2008. The Social Security Administration has put out another update to the Windfall Elimination Provision. Most Americans pay into the Social Security system […]

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Social Security Offsets – Current Status

The Social Security Fairness Act now boasts a record 352 bipartisan cosponsors in the House and 37 cosponsors in the Senate. In November, 2007, the Senate Finance Committee, Subcommittee on Social Security, held a hearing on the offsets, followed in February 2008 by a hearing in the House Ways and Means Committee. These hearings, and […]

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Repeal Social Security Offsets

National Democratic Platform Calls for Repeal of Social Security Offsets! The 2008 Democratic National Platform includes language calling for the elimination of Social Security offsets. NEA leaders and staff served on the platform committee and were able to push the committee to include in the platform language reading, “We will end the penalty within the […]

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RSPOA & the LEOFF I Coalition

Editor’s Note: This article is now a historical item. It was written in 2008 when the RSPOA was still on the Coalition board. It sort of demonstrates how the effectiveness of the Coalition began to fail. by Jerry Taylor & John Nordlund Eight years! It all started back in mid-2000 and officially began on October […]

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LEOFF History from 1969

The following is from a document written by Charlie Marsh.  At the time he was the head of the Washington State Council of Police Officers.  This article details the legislative efforts of the Council and Charlie.  While Charlie played a lead role in this effort there were numerous other individuals and organizations that worked to […]

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RFFOW President’s Message | June 2001

by Richard Warbrouck As I write this article on Sunday May 27th (2001) for our June Newsletter, the first 30day Special Session of the Legislature has come to a close. “Special” is the legal term for the session that follows the regular annual session. SB 6166 which deals with the LEOFF surplus has passed the […]

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