SCPP Meeting May 16, 2017

The Select Committee will review legislation that passed and failed to pass from the current session.  There does not appear to be anything of specific concern on the agenda for this meeting.

May 16, 2017 10:00 a.m. – 11:45 a.m.* House Hearing Room B Olympia

*These times are estimates and are subject to change depending on the needs of the Committee. O:\SCPP\2017\05.16-Full\0.Full.Cmte.Agenda.docx

10:00 a.m. 1. Approval of Minutes

10:05 a.m. 2. Staff Introductions and Interim Kick-Off – Aaron Gutierrez, Senior Policy Analyst

10:25 a.m. 3. Election of Officers – Stephanie Roman, Associate Policy Analyst

10:40 a.m. 4. 2017 Legislative Session Highlights – Stephanie Roman Work Session

11:00 a.m. 5. Tribal Participation in the State Retirement Systems – Aaron Gutierrez

11:45 a.m. 6. Adjourn

Meeting Materials

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