We were excited to see the Coalition move to create a membership organization. Sadly, they have failed in that effort and just created another fund-raising venue. View their new by-laws.
At LEOFF1.Net we have always objected to the Coalition’s claim to represent all LEOFF 1 members, active, retired or beneficiary simply because they have never had any membership beyond the Board of Directors. The Coalition was created as an organization of organizations. That construct began to fall apart shortly after it was formed and quickly deteriorated to the point where the entire organization had only a Board of Directors and that Board was self-elected. The Coalition because somewhat of a joke as they publicly claimed over 4,000 members. This was particularly concerning when they made the claim to legislators.
Years passed and we objected because the claim was false and because the “ghost members” had no say in the positions the Coalition was espousing to true members of the LEOFF 1 Pension Plan and the legislature. Throughout this period the Coalition persisted in seeking donations and refusing to provide any information to the donors as to how they were spending the money so freely given. These ghost members simply had no say. During that time, the Coalition often took positions that, in the judgement of many other leaders within real LEOFF 1 organizations, saw as contrary to the interest of LEOFF 1 members. Those positions caused most of the original seven organizations to withdraw leaving the Coalition just a shell with no membership and an unelected board with a lot of money.
LEOFF1.Net remains convinced that the Coalition needs to honor their donors, report their actions and provide oversight to those who have contributed. At they very least they need to allow true membership empowered to elect the Board and direct the actions of the Board. In most organizations this Is done by election—the members elect the board and can remove the board on some reasonable review period.
Not so with the Coalition.
In meeting and discussing these concerns with President Dickenson it appeared that he understood the reasonableness of this position. He indicated last year that the Coalition was moving in that direction.
Now, with the latest mailing from the Coalition we see that they are finally moving towards a real membership organization. At least that is the impression we are supposed to see in their recent fund raiser letter. They would like everybody to become a member and pay $60 a year in dues. It appears to be a good idea except it is all semantics. You can join and pay dues, but you have no vote for anything. In fact, there are not even any membership meeting. You cannot elect or remove a board member or even look at the minutes or financial records.
The easiest way to see how they are organized is to look at their by-laws. Article III Section 1 gives a broad description of how the Coalition defines membership. It sounds good until you look at the rest of the by-laws.
SECTION 1 Regular Coalition membership is open to all dues-paying retirees and beneficiaries of the Law Enforcement Officers’ and Fire Fighters’ (LEOFF) Retirement System Plan 1 who have a desire to protect their rights and benefits under the Law Enforcement Officers’ and Fire Fighters’ (LEOFF) Retirement System Plan 1.
For example, examine the filling of a vacancy on the Board is done solely by the board with no subsequent validation by the general membership. This probably would not be a problem if the general membership could elect such interim members at a general meeting—but they can’t because there are no general membership meetings.
SECTION 6 Board of Director Vacancy A vacancy may occur upon the death, resignation, or removal of any member of the Board of Directors. Any member of the Board of Directors can be removed from their position on the Board for cause by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the other members of the Board of Directors. Any vacancy may be filled by a qualified individual selected by the Board of Directors.
A tricky part of the by-laws is how the board is constructed. Note there is a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 11 members. This easily allows range for the board to manipulate the membership to reflect the desired makeup. Conflict will be quashed!
SECTION 1 The Board of Directors shall establish policy, and, manage the affairs, priorities, and finances of the LEOFF 1 Coalition.
SECTION 2 Board of Director Members shall be a dues-paying individual of the LEOFF 1 Coalition. Any Board Member shall be duly appointed or properly elected prior to being seated on the Board of Directors. The number of Directors serving on Board of Directors shall be determined by the Board of Directors and should be not less than three (3) nor more than eleven (11). The Immediate Past President of the LEOFF 1 Coalition shall be a member of the Board of Directors and shall serve until replaced by a new Immediate Past President. The makeup of the LEOFF 1 Coalition Board of Directors should have no less than one retired law enforcement officer, one retired fire fighter, and one beneficiary each. The Board of Directors should make every reasonable effort to have Directors from representative areas throughout the State of Washington.
A member of the board is simply appointed—not elected. And, the term is for life unless the Board replaces the member. So if you are one of the dues paying members you have no recourse against a poorly performing board member.
SECTION 4 The Appointment of Board Members shall be conducted by the Board of Directors at any meeting where a quorum of the Board of Directors is present. The term of any appointment to the Board of Directors shall be until a successor is selected, qualified, and appointed to the Board of Directors
SECTION 6 Board of Director Vacancy A vacancy may occur upon the death, resignation, or removal of any member of the Board of Directors. Any member of the Board of Directors can be removed from their position on the Board for cause by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the other members of the Board of Directors. Any vacancy may be filled by a qualified individual selected by the Board of Directors.
Well, it is a membership organization so there must be meetings where the membership at large can pass motions and instruct the Board. Well, maybe. The only meeting is called an Annual Membership Meeting with the Board of Directors. The by-law defining this is unclear.
SECTION 1 Annual Membership Meeting with the Board of Directors shall be to elect the Officers of Board of Directors of the LEOFF 1 Coalition and to approve an annual budget. The annual meeting shall address appropriate transactions and any other business that may come before the meeting. The annual meeting shall be conducted during the month of May each year at a time, day, and place designated by the Board of Directors.
SECTION 2 Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be conducted at any time and place whenever called for by the President or by a majority of the Board of Directors.
The one meeting defined in the by-laws is not mentioned on their website as of June 17th. I will be difficult, member, to attend and vote. Not that it matters as you really have not vote anyway.
SECTION 3 Notice of meetings called by the President or by a majority of the Board of Directors shall provide notice at least three (3) days prior to the meeting. Notice shall include date, time, and place for the special meeting. Notice of all meetings may be posted on the LEOFF 1 Coalition website, may be given by mail, telephone, or other form of electronic device (e-mail, cell phone, text message, etc.).
One of the biggest problems with the by-laws is that the members cannot view the books and records of the Coalition. The meeting minutes cannot be duplicated and there is no way to see how and where they are spending your dues and donations.
SECTION 5 Books and Records
F. All books and records of the LEOFF 1 Coalition may be inspected by any Director or his or her agent or attorney for a proper purpose at any reasonable time. The LEOFF 1 Coalition internal meeting minutes may not be reproduced nor transmitted without written permission from the LEOFF 1 Coalition President and shall be approved by the Board of Directors.
And, members cannot even amend the by-laws—just the board.
SECTION 6 Amending the Bylaws These Bylaws may be amended, altered, or repealed by the affirmative vote of the majority of the Board of Directors at any annual or special meeting of the Board of Directors, provided that the amendment, alteration, or repeal of the Bylaws is published and distributed to all members not less than thirty (30) days prior to the action to amend, alter, or repeal.
A finally, there is no provision that permits the membership to call a general meeting. That is generally in all by-laws as a last course protection for the integrity of the organization.
If you like and trust the Coalition and are willing to submit to their autocratic rule and to forfeit any right to express your position, then join. Otherwise just send them a note and ask them to straighten things out or quit asking for your money.
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