The Retired Fire Fighters of Washington is a politically active organization dedicated to, and representing, the interest of all retired firefighters of Washington State and their families.  Countless hours are spent in Olympia, on behalf of retired firefighters, working with our state’s Representatives to maintain, secure, and improve our pensions as they apply to the retired firefighters, their families and surviving spouses.

The RFFOW provides a means for retired firefighters and their spouses to keep in touch with each other, pass along information and have some fun!  Their monthly meetings are held on the 2nd Saturday of each month (except June, July and August) where members have the opportunity to not only meet old friends, but to hear the latest regarding pension issues.

Website: http://www.rffow.org/


9134 – 207th Place SW
Edmonds, WA 98026
(425) 775-9080

Email: info@rffow.org

Richard C Warbrouck
(Retired Seattle Fire Dept)
Home: 425-775-9080
Cell: 206-406-9823

Vice President:
James A Fossos
(Retired Seattle Fire Dept)
Home: 206-824-8537
Cell: 206-228-8537

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